Oman Educational Portal ASDASDAS
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Portal Profile

After the launch of the School Management Program by the Ministry at schools, it managed to achieve much of its goals, but missed at the same time an effective communication system linking school and the educational directory in the region and the ministry, as well as communication between school and community. This in turn reduced employability of databases for schools for educational planning service. To overcome this problem and other technical problems, there was a need to implement educational portal project.

What is the Portal?

It is a mean of communication between the databases of the Ministry and the Ministry audience, whether they are teaching staff or management staff in all positions such as the Ministry of education cabinet or at schools in different areas or between student and guardians and community members interested in this sector; targeting provision of electronic services, administrative and educational, where these can be accessed either by browser and e-mail at the Ministry's website or by voice interface ( phone lines.(
The educational portal is an important project not only to the Ministry of education, but also to the whole society as it is one of the future pillars of this nation , as the ministry carry core responsibilities burdens in preparing future generations and actively contribute to its progress and development.

Project objectives:
The educational portal project connects the objectives of the Ministry of Education to the objectives of the community , which is the gateway to link the widest possible audience, through the provision of electronic services and update their statements, and the promotion of quality in the educational process , providing an attractive education using interactive tools and innovative techniques, and this in turn will lead to improved assessment and evaluation, better curriculum development ,better teaching methods and promote the quality of education ,too. The project also aims to provide education outside classroom, through the use of modern techniques which are part of the portal, so that we can apply remote distance learning, self-learning , Self paced learning, and provide default Virtual classrooms and mass education classrooms. Add to that it would help to develop work desk, devising a system of document management and archiving in an attempt to reduce paper consumption, in addition to facilitating the administrative procedures and set a mechanism of follow-up, providing accurate data for statistics and reports, especially in educational planning expecting that this project will contribute to raising the level of regulation and correspondences, thereby reduce resources consumptions especially time. At the same time, the Ministry will merge within the framework of e-Government in Oman, the Ministry will be able to supply other ministries with the required data electronically within minutes and in return receive data.

Furthermore, we aim at professional creativity, because traditional methods in management processes, imposes on the staff member is in addition to his job competencies tasks to handles beside other obligations, thus we expect the project to promote the organization of work ,providing employee with capacity for innovate at work.

Portal strategies:
The Portal consisted of 4 strategies which are Administration System, Assistant educational system, cultural and educational content, and user training. Where administrative system aims to provide regulatory administrative database with various reports and statistics used by every audience, everyone according to his mandates powers, giving each one a user name and a password.

When this aspect have finished, we expect a Ministry of education, Educational Region and schools to be managed through electronic methods. The Assistant educational system aims at strengthening the educational process, learning by adding new educational methods different from traditional methods, and featuring attractiveness and being interactive, this is in addition to providing education outside classroom. The system will also find ways to continue the ongoing educational attainment, behavioral, and enhance student practice techniques. The educational and cultural content is converting all curricula and textbooks into electronic formula…, attractive, easy to handle and research. The fourth and final strategy is training users, especially teachers, through specialized curricula, where each visions and plans and techniques that are used in this project are worthless if teachers could not use it effectively.

Implementation mechanisms:
Initially implement partial projects to guide all sectors and slides towards this goal, among which ; electronic school project, this is done through the use of school management program, through the provision of online service and use of electronic mail between different segments of the school. In addition to electronic automated area project which aims at using electronic systems and administrative techniques, and using e-mail between different sections in the region. There is also an e-mail project through the adoption of electronic correspondence between its various directories,… everyone get an e-mail.

It also aims at converting textbooks and teachers ' guides' to electronic form deployed on the Ministry's website by electronic curriculum project. The Electronic culture project aimed at raising awareness and technology implementation allowing the educational district to select nature of this project, in accordance with the privacy of each region targeting all segments including parents.


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