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Home The education system Post-Basic Education


Post-Basic Education

Post-Basic Education

Post -Basic Education system lasts for two-year of schooling next after basic education cycle one and two(4+6=10 years )of study, and aims to continue to develop essential working skills ,and promote vocational planning among students to be active members of society productive power, able to benefit from education and training opportunities and work after school education.

The aims of Education next-after Basic Education:
1-Promote loyalty to the homeland and to his Majesty Sultan
2-Confirm belonging to Gulf society, Arab nation and Muslim world
3- To affirm faith principles of Islam, and the consolidation of faith and spiritual values among learners, and deploy it in their life and make them a standard of conduct.
4- The pride in Arabic, and expansion of education, and perfecting the arts mastery, with adequate competence of a language of international communication.
5- Maintain sense of belonging to the society
6- Awareness of global cultural trends
7-Groom with various cognitive thinking and ability to solve problems
8-Accumulate positive trends towards work
9-The proper use of learning skills and continuous learning
10- Ideological composition of positive trends towards the environment
11- Ability to interact and socialize in the society.

Models for some basic skills which Education Post-Basic Education asserts:
1. Proper Communication skills..
2 . Ability to use the mathematics skills...
3. Sufficient information technology literacy..
4 .Satisfactory problem solving thinking skills.
5. Decent personal and social skills..

Post-Basic Education curricula novel approach:
Use search notation: sanction students to develop abilities to practice learning independently to obtain knowledge.
Real life Skills: support students to develop personal and social necessary working skills, and provide vocational guidance to be active participants in their communities.

Geography and modern techniques: train students to use GIS (geographical information Systems) software and using remote sensing and mapping by using modern computerized systems.
Science technology: provide the students with technical applications of science.
Environmental Science: study subjects relevant to their daily lives and learn how science application has far reaching affects on their lives.

Computer communications and business: recognize communications applications that are available in the business sector institutions and companies and run through, these applications.
Graphic design: integrated theories of visualization (visuals) with the impact of digital technology, and recognize potential jobs associated with the technical design using computers.
Computing: to develop knowledge and skills enabling students to control computers through the Java programming language.

Properties of Post-Basic Education program:
1-The diversity: the needs of all students who wish to admission to employment or who intend to continue their studies.
2. -Flexibility: enables students to explore different areas where aspiring entry before their commitment to a specific path.
3-Choice: lets students check opportunities in the labour market and provides them basic employment skills.
4- Individual needs of students: strengthen the principle of individual learning and meet both needs of students with low academic capacity and those who have high capacities.

Vocational guidance
Within the school plan for grades XI and XII, the student possesses the freedom to choose among list of subjects commensurate with his or her capabilities and inclinations. The important role of specialist vocational guide to help students discovers their abilities in professional way and to direct them to the potential career and trace professional ambitions. This process plays a significant role in the sensitization of students with educational opportunities available in undergraduate and conditions of accession to these programs.

The services provided by the Office of the draft National Centre for vocational guidance:

1. Provide the student with information about himself or herself through the application of professional standards and discovering capabilities and he or she readiness.
2. Provide a database of careers and their links with academic levels commensurate with each student and his readiness and capabilities.
3. Conceptualization of staffing needs in different sectors in the labour market and associated professions.
4. Provide information on different functions and nature of work to assist student choose her or his future profession.
5. Provide the student with enough information about higher education programs and enrollment conditions.
6. To develop the learner knowledge and skills of career seeking.
7. Sanitize learners on how to set up a projects and successful management principles.



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